Programario | Minecraft | Hide 'n Seek Reloaded


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Hide 'n Seek Reloaded

Hide 'n Seek Reloaded

a "hide-and-seek" gamemode


Hide 'n Seek Reloaded is a gamemode for Minecraft servers. As the name suggests, it is "hide-and-seek" in Minecraft

The sourcecode for HideNSeekReloaded and all of my other published and non-published plugins can be found in my GitHub repository

Please visit SpigotMC for more information and the download link.
LobbyReloaded is my third published plugin for Minecraft. It took about 5 months to develope and test.


- Hide and seek | A fun little gamemode
- Easy setup | The setup is very easy
- Mulitarena | Have more than one Arena
- Join-signs | Rightclick to join the game | Setup: Line 1: [HS], Line 2 {arenaname}
- Lobbyitems | Passitem: Use seeker-pass, Startitem: Use to start game (only with permission), Shopitem: Use to buy Seeker- or joinmepasses, Leaveitem: Use to leave the game
- Seekerpass | Increase the chance of being seeker
- Joinme | Use to send a message with a clickable playerhead-image, if clicked the player will join your arena


/hideAndSeek | The main command
Aliasses: hs, hns, hidenseek

/hideAndSeek help | Shows you the hideAndSeek help
/hideAndSeek setmainlobby | Sets the mainlobby-spawn | Permission: „hs.admin“, „hs.setmainlobby", or op
/hideAndSeek join {arena} | Join the arena {arena} | No permission required!
/hideAndSeek joinme | Starts a joinme | Permission: „hs.admin“, „hs.joinme", or op
/hideAndSeek stats [player] | Shows the stats of player [player] | No permission required!

/hideAndSeek arena | The subcommand of hideAndSeek
/hideAndSeek arena list | Shows a list of all arenas | Permission: „hs.admin“, „hs.arena.list", or op
/hideAndSeek arena create {arenaname} | Create an arena named {arenaname} | Permission: „hs.admin“, „hs.arena.create", or /hideAndSeek arena remove {arenaname} | Remove an arena named {arenaname} | Permission: „hs.admin“, „hs.arena.remove", or /hideAndSeek arena setup {arenaname} | Opens an setupinventory for an arena named {arenaname} | Permission: „hs.admin“, „hs.arena.setup", or op

/lobby | Leave an arena | only executable when in lobby | No permission required!
Aliasses: l, lb, spawn, hub
/start | Forcestarts the arena | only executable when in lobby | Permission: „hs.admin“, „hs.arena.start", or op
/joinme | Starts a joinme | only executable when in lobby | Permission: „hs.admin“, „hs.joinme", or op
/stats [player] | Shows the stats of player [player] | only executable when in lobby | No permission required!


Vault: Download
EssentialsX: Download
PermissionsX: Download
MultiverseCore: Download
PlaceholderAPI: Download